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Shop groceries and more for same-day pickup. It's free for orders over €35!
Purchasing Age-restricted items
When your delivery arrives, if you look under 25 you'll be asked to provide a valid driving licence, passport or proof of age card proving you're over 17.
Present Loyalty card together with a valid ID card in person.
A discount of 2.5% will be given on the total bill.
The offer of €100 and €50 is still eligible when applying the Kartanzjan Discount.
The offer of €100 and €50 is eligible after the discount is calculated.
If with Kartanzjan offer the bill comes to less than €100 or less than €50 the €100 offer will not apply. Total bill after applying the discount needs to be €100 or €50 for the offer to apply.
Kartanzjan discount is valid for 2 years.
Kartanzjan discount can be renewed against a valid ID card.
In the event of applying on behalf of an elderly a legal procurement together with valid ID card must be presented.
Discount is not eligible on mobile phone cards and tobacco.
Kartanzjan discount is limited to a total monthly purchase of €250 per card holder.
Ippre?enta il-Loyalty Card personalment flimkien ma’ karta tal-identità valida.
Skont ta’ 2.5% jing?ata fuq il-kont totali.
L-offerta ta’ €100 u €50 tibqa eli?ibbli meta tapplika l-Iskont tal-Kartanzjan.
L-offerta ta’ €100 u €50 hija eli?ibbli wara li ji?i kkalkulat l-iskont.
Jekk bl-offerta tal-Kartanzjan il-kont jammonta g?al inqas minn €100 jew inqas minn €50, l-offerta ta’ €100 ma tapplikax. Il-kont totali wara l-applikazzjoni tal-iskont g?andu jkun ta’ €100 jew €50 biex l-offerta tibqa tapplika.
L-iskont tal-Kartanzjan huwa validu g?al sentejn.
L-iskont tal-Kartanzjan jista’ ji??edded b’karta tal-identità valida.
F’ka? ta’ applikazzjoni f’isem persuni ta’ aktar minn 60 sena, trid tippre?enta prokura legali flimkien ma’ karta tal-identità valida.
L-iskont mhux eli?ibbli fuq kards tat-telefonija ?ellulari u tabakk.
L-iskont tal-Kartanzjan huwa limitat sa xirjiet ta €250 fix-xahar ghal kull membru tal-Loyalty Card.
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Shop groceries and more for same-day pickup. It's free for orders over €35!
Purchasing Age-restricted items
When your delivery arrives, if you look under 25 you'll be asked to provide a valid driving licence, passport or proof of age card proving you're over 17.